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When your business gets hacked, it can be an extremely stressful time. But, don’t panic! Whether you’re experiencing a ransomware attack, data breach, or other security incident, Sentry CTO is here to help.

We’ll walk you through each and every step to keep your business safe and get back up and running smoothly. If you haven’t already – fill out our contact form. We’ll contact you shortly. In the meantime, here’s what you need to do.

Isolate Accounts and Devices when your business gets hacked

The first thing you need to do when your business gets hacked is isolate devices and accounts that are affected. You can do this by following these simple steps.

By isolating your accounts and devices, you can help minimize the spread of the security incident. In fact, hackers love to move through your network. This is called lateral movement. By removing pathways that hackers use, the incident can be contained long enough for a proper plan to be implemented.

Identify the extent of the breach

It’s important to keep notes about everything that occurs after you’ve identified a potential breach in your business. Make notes about the symptoms you’ve experienced. Make sure your employees know who to talk to if they see anything suspicious. This information can be provided to the authorities and our incident response team to help you resolve the attack.

When your business gets hacked, an investigation will help you identify the extent of the breach. Only after this investigation can the holes be patched. Did the hackers get into your email? Did they steal sensitive client data? What about proprietary intellectual property? All of these factors should be considered.

Report the hacking incident to the authorities

Cybercrime is growing exponentially every year. To help combat this, it’s important that you report any cyber-attacks on your business. Call your local authorities and report the incident. They will be able to provide assistance and resources to help you deal with the attack.

Many law enforcement agencies have dedicated cyber crime divisions. They are specially trained to deal with businesses that get hacked. They can even help individuals if a scam or other cyber crime is reported. These community resources are invaluable to a business in the middle of a security incident. Reporting an attack to your local authorities can also help them track down and stop the hackers from operating their business.

Sentry CTO knows what to do when your business gets hacked

If you haven’t already, contact our team immediately. The sooner our incident response team gets involved, the more likely we can stop the attack before irreversible damage is caused. We offer a wide variety of services, including Security Assessments, Threat Mitigation, 24/7 monitoring, and I.T. support services.

We can help you stop the current hacking incident. Next, we’ll help you develop a plan to prevent and detect future incidents. Your business needs to be protected from the ever-evolving threat landscape. Contact Sentry CTO today to take the first steps!

Have You Been Hacked?

Have you been hacked?

When your business gets hacked, it’s important to respond quickly to minimize the damage. We’ll will walk you through each step of saving your business.

24/7 I.T. Support

24/7 I.T. Support

If you need 24/7 I.T. Support you can count on, call us today for a complimentary assessment and consultation. 

Ready to Get Protected?

Get Protected

If you need help getting your I.T. infrastructure secured, contact  Sentry CTO today for a complimentary consultation.

Ready to Take Your Business to the Next Level?

Are you ready to fortify your business’s digital fortress, elevate your cybersecurity to new heights, and transform technology into an asset that propels your success?

Let’s embark on a journey together – schedule your empowering strategy session with us today and unlock a future where innovation knows no bounds!

Discover the benefits of partnering with Sentry CTO

  • Peace of mind knowing you have a technology partner at your side

  • Improved employee satisfaction from using modern technology to improve workflow and efficiency

  • Happier customers that get to work with you through the use of technology